Special Fundraiser Thanks
I want to specifically thank the following people who helped make the Fundraiser a huge success:
My Parents and Sisters for helping with all event logistics
My Brother, “Chef” Joe and Aunt Mary for taking charge of the food
My Cousins, Rachel and Emily, and their friends for volunteering at the event
My Uncle Brian, and Cousins Rachel and Emily, and Mark Pingel and Chip Kipps from Ron Rose Milagro for helping me create a video tribute for the event. (A shortened version of this video will be added to our website and social media pages over the next few months, so be on the lookout for it!) www.ronrosemilagro.com
Nick and Kristin Valkenhaus for helping me create a website and other technical accounts related to the organization and event
Chuck Scamp for taking photos of the event
Kaitlyn Schoen from Kaitlyn Designs, LLC for creating our beautiful logo www.kaitlyndesigns.com
Thank you all for your support of the Maria Lida Foundation!
Shannon Turner